时间:2019-05-20题目:Schooling, Skill Demand and Differential Fertility in the Process of Structural Transformation
时间:2019年5月22日 星期三 12:00 – 13:30
报告人:Terry Cheung
摘要:Along with the structural transformation, I observe that rural fertility rate declined faster than the urban one during the Progressive Era in the U.S. I argue that rural schooling increase, which was mainly driven by the Rural Education Reform, is crucial to understand the observation. Parents at the turn of the twentieth century U.S. started to substitute having more children for more schooling. As young adults acquired skills, they left farms and joined the skill-intensive non-agricultural sector. A quantitative exercise shows that the quality-quantity decision in household accounts for 24% of the decline in the agricultural sector.
报告人简介:Dr. Terry Cheung is an Assistant Research Fellow of Institute of Economics in Academia Sinica in Taiwan. He received his Ph.D. in Economics at Washington University in St. Louis. He is interested in comparing and analyzing how population, education, geography and technological development shaped the growth paths of developed and developing countries.