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题目:Decentralization  and  Local  Capture :  Evidence  from  Audit  Programmes  in  China.

时间:2017年4月14日  星期五     12:00–13:30



摘要:Decentralization is a popular trend in developing countries, but its performance is mixed. We use unique data from audit programmes in China to investigate local capture, which is theoretically a major reason that decentralization fails. Using a reform that has decentralized powers from prefecture-level to county-level governments since 2003, we find that decentralization increases the misuse of public funds. We argue that after empowerment, county leaders are harder to monitor and can more easily divert the statutory use of public funds. Furthermore, the misuse of funds accounts for the negative relationship between this decentralization reform and local economic performance.

报告人简介:吴一平,经济学博士,上海财经大学讲席副教授,博士生导师。研究领域包括:财政政策与企业行为、政府与企业间关系、治理与经济发展。已经在Emerging Markets Review, Journal of Happiness Studies, China Economic Review,《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学季刊》等中英文期刊发表论文。