China’s Growing Government Debt in a Computable Overlapping Generations Model , coauthored with S. Lin, Y. Wang, and F. Zhai, Pacific Economi Review, Vol. 23, 2018,359-384.
The Effect of an Introduction of Retail Sales Tax in China , coauthored with S. Lin and S. Narayanan, Asian Economic Papers, Vol.17, 2018,1-2
全球金融危机与宏观经济学思潮转变 ,教学与研究,2016年第4期
Population aging and China’s social security reforms , co-authored with S. Lin, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol.38, 2016,65-95.
How Much Will China Save? , co-authored with L. J. Kotlikoff, S. Lin, W. T. Woo, and Y. Jiang, Asian Economic Journal, Vol. 30,2016, 255–274.
城乡居民社会养老保险制度的经济效应 ,经济评论,2014年第3期
老龄化对中国政府资产负债表影响及政策空间比较分析 ,经济学动态,2014年第1期
税收对居民收入分配的影响:文献综述 ,财经问题研究,2014年第1期
《双重困境下的养老保险体系改革研究:基于老龄化和城镇化的视角》 ,中国人民大学出版社,2013.5
Is there any gain from social security privatization? , co-authored with S. Lin, China Economic Review, Vol.22, 2011,278-289
The size and structure of China’s government debt , co-authored with S. Lin, The Social Science Journal, Vol.48, 2011,527-542
从现收现付制转轨为基金积累制的收益研究 ,财经研究,2010年第8期