张静,中国人民大学财政金融学院教授,美国马里兰大学经济学博士,中国卫生经济学会卫生经济理论和政策专业委员会委员,曾任世界银行华盛顿总部顾问,研究领域包括公共财政、卫生经济学、环境经济学。在《Journal of Health Economics》、《Journal of Development Economics》、《China Economic Review》等期刊发表文章数篇,代表性学术成果包括:“The Allocation of China’s Higher Education Talent (2003-2013)”, Applied Economics Letters, Forthcoming;“The Long-run Effects of Treated Water on Education: The Rural Drinking Water Program in China”, Journal of Development Economics, 2016;“Health Shocks, Village Elections, and Household Income: Evidence from Rural China” China Economic Review,2014;“Fiscal Decentralization and Local Expenditure Policy in China.” China Economic Review,2014;“The Impact of Water Quality on Health: Evidence from the Drinking Water Infrastructure Program in Rural China” Journal of Health Economics,2012。
“The Long-run Effects of Treated Water on Education: The Rural Drinking Water Program in China” ,Zhang, Jing, and Lixin Colin Xu, Journal of Development Economics, 122, 1-15, 2016.
“Health Shocks, Village Elections, and Household Income: Evidence from Rural China.” ,Zhang, Jing, Li Gan, Lixin Colin Xu, and Yang Yao, China Economic Review, 30(C), 155-168, 2014
“Fiscal Decentralization and Local Expenditure Policy in China.” ,Jia, Junxue, Qingwang Guo, and Jing Zhang, China Economic Review, 28(C), 107-122, 2014.
“The Allocation of China’s Higher Education Talent (2003-2013)” ,Yue, Changjun, Siyan Yue, and Jing, Zhang, Applied Economics Letters, Forthcoming.
“The Impact of Water Quality on Health: Evidence from the Drinking Water Infrastructure Program in Rural China” ,Zhang, Jing,Journal of Health Economics, 31(1), 122-134, 2012
“Comparing Public and Private Hospitals in China: Evidence from Guangdong” ,Eggleston, Karen, Mingshan Lu, Congdong Li, Jian Wang, Zhe Yang, Jing Zhang, and Hude Quan, BMC Health Services Research, 10(3), 10-76, 2011.
“Soft Budget Constraints in China: Evidence from the Guangdong Hospital Industry” ,Eggleston, Karen, Yu-Chu Shen; Mingshan Lu, Congdong Li, Jian Wang, Zhe Yang, and Jing Zhang, International Journal of Healthcare Finance and Economics, 9(2), 233-242, 2009.